1st Agreement Technologies Winter School

12-13 December 2017, Évry, France

Registration and Student Grants

A limited number of student grants are available for participants to the 1st Agreement Technologies Winter School, in the form of fee waivers and payment of 2 nights accommodation.

Applications should be sent to at2017@easychair.org containing:

  1. A cv of the applicant
  2. A recommendation letter by the supervisor
  3. An indication of the specific nights to spend in Evry (only 2 nights will be funded!) and if the applicant will also attend AT/EUMAS conference.

The deadline for application is 12th November 2017 . Notifications will be sent to applicants by 13th November 2017.

Registration Fees

 Regular registration (until 1st December 2017)     190 EUR  
 On-site registration     230 EUR  

The fee covers participation in the courses, coffee breaks, lunches, and online access to the materials. The social event on 12th or 13th December (Tuesday or Wednesday evening) will be covered by the fee if the funds allow.

To register for AT Winter School 2017 please visit https://eumas2017.sciencesconf.org